Prarthana Sabha/SchoolAssembly

by Singularity Software Solution



School Assembly Hindi/Prarthana Sabha-Primary education is the focal point for all education sectors. The future life of the students starts from primary education. The right impressions on the right age on students is required for engage them in need of a good quality and that’s why we required a medium like School Assembly Hindi/Prarthana Sabha. Schools take School Assembly Hindi/Prarthana Sabha Daily at morning. . But for that, teacher has to do very important work of collecting accurate information and this work will be the most difficult at remote areas. So this Application is very helpful for such teachers.This Application is not only useful for teachers but also useful students.You can get all required information for School Assembly Hindi/Prathana Sabha like:1. National Anthem2. Pledge3. Preliminary Constitution4. Prayer5. Weather6. Good Thought7. Special day8. Panchang9. News10. Group songs.11. Sayings and their meaning12. Subhashite and their meaning.13. Bodhkatha14. Patriotic songs15. Nursery Rhymes16. Information of noble persons17. Pasayadana On your Android phone without needing Internet.Features of Application:--Parents can use this app to make their child more disciplined and with full of Sacraments.-This application can provide all required information to student for their daily School Assembly Hindi/Prarthana Sabha activity at school. -The most important feature is this application can provide all feature offline excluding News & Weather.